Frequently Asked Questions

Fisher Service Award

Question 1

Bold text test
Italicized Text

Test Link text

  1. Bullet one
  2. Bullet two
  3. bullet three
  • Bullet one
  • Bullet two
  • bullet three
  • Wounded, injured, and ill service members on ordinary leave may be given a round-trip airline ticket for a trip from the medical center to their home or to attend an authorized event, if they are not eligible for government funded airfare.
  • Wounded, injured and ill service members may be given a round-trip airline ticket to enable their family or close friends to visit them while they are undergoing treatment at an authorized medical center.

Question 1

Bold text test
Italicized Text

Test Link text

  1. Bullet one
  2. Bullet two
  3. bullet three


  • Bullet one
  • Bullet two
  • bullet three
  • Wounded, injured, and ill service members on ordinary leave may be given a round-trip airline ticket for a trip from the medical center to their home or to attend an authorized event, if they are not eligible for government funded airfare.
  • Wounded, injured and ill service members may be given a round-trip airline ticket to enable their family or close friends to visit them while they are undergoing treatment at an authorized medical center.

When will the 2025 award applications open? When will applications close?

Award applications for the 2025 cycle will open on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 2:00 PM EDT.

Applications will close promptly on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 9:00 PM EDT.

There are no extensions or exemptions to this deadline.

I am unsure if my program/organization qualifies. What are the eligibility requirements?

Your program and/or organization must:

  • Be defined as a Section 501(c) nonprofit of the Internal Revenue Service Code
  • Have an innovative program
  • Improve the quality of life for active duty, reserve, National Guard, veterans and/or their families

Please note: Award winners will be required to provide IRS Form 990 proving their 501(c) status, and most recent form W-9.

How may we utilize The Fisher Service Award funding?

Award funding may be used to execute any necessary program expense. This includes wages/salaries, supplies, capital campaigns, building repair, and professional fees (ex. Mental health counselors, physical therapist etc.).

If I applied in previous years, can I use those same login credentials?

No. Each award cycle, our application portal resets, erasing all information.

With that said, all applicants MUST create a new account. You may use the same email address and password used in previous years.

Can an organization submit entries for more than one program?

Absolutely. However, each submission must have its own email address/log in credentials.

Can previous winners apply?

Yes. Previous winners with new and innovative programs (which meet the eligibility requirements) are encouraged to apply!

If you want to resubmit a winning program, your application must explain the innovative changes since you last won. In addition, you must clearly and concisely articulate why your program should be considered again.

Is this award program by invitation only?

No! We encourage any eligible program to apply!

What are the funding priorities this year?

We do not have any funding priorities. We encourage all eligible programs to apply.

Can we complete a hard copy of the application and submit it by mail or email? Can we request blank copies of the application?

No. The application must be completed online. We cannot provide blank copies of the application. However, you can access the questions online through the application portal.

Can we submit additional information, such as photos, brochures, news articles, etc., with our application?

Yes. The application allows you to attach up to three supporting documents (up to ten pages each) to your application. We are unable to accept additional information emailed separately; it must be attached to your online application.

Are we required to add attachments to our application? Will this disqualify our application?

No. Attachments are not required, but we highly recommend you add them to enhance your application! Please do not attach IRS forms, and/or W-9’s. We will request those documents from the applicants who make it to the final round of judging.

Who will judge the competition?

Fisher House Foundation and Military Times Foundation will select individuals to serve as judges.

Award recipients are selected by this esteemed judging panel based on the program’s innovation and the impact on the community they serve.

What is the timeline when applicants will know if they won, and when will award recipients receive funding?

Applicants will be informed whether they were awarded funding or not by the end of August. Funds will be distributed to awarded organizations around the time of the ceremony, which is typically in the Fall (October).

Updates will not be provided before that time.

If our program wins, can we use the funding to travel to the awards ceremony in the fall?

No. Organizations may send a representative to receive their award. However, awarded funds cannot be used to cover travel expenses and must be used for the program in which they were awarded.

We will provide one (1) airline ticket, and one (1) hotel room to each winning program so they may attend the ceremony.

If my program is not selected for an award, can I find out why we were not selected?

Unfortunately, no we do not provide feedback on submissions. Due to time constraints, we ask the judges to score each submission based on the criteria listed on the application. We do not require the judges to submit any notes or records to the Fisher House Foundation other than the score they award to each submission.

What commitments, if any, will the winners have after the ceremony?

All award winners will be required to submit 6-month and 12-month video clips that will be used for marketing materials on our social media platforms (you will be required to sign a photo and video release). You may also be asked to submit a simple budget narrative detailing how funding was expended.

Can you share any tips to help my application?

Yes. All applicants should:

  • Proofread your application and ensure that you do not copy and paste long paragraphs from your website. Unfortunately, words may be cut off, making the application difficult to read/or leaving the judges with incomplete sentences.
  • Clearly and concisely answer the questions, keeping in mind we are looking for innovative programs.
  • Provide attachments that help us better understand your program. We are looking for information that help paint the innovative picture making your program stand out against other applicants.
  • We will reach out to the top fifteen applicants requesting additional information; please make sure you check your email regularly, including your spam folder, as there is a short window for responses during this time.

Please note: Once you submit your application, you will receive emails with status updates during the application process. Though you can unsubscribe from these emails, we do not recommend it. Unsubscribing may result in you missing important details about the program, including issues with your application.

Where can I obtain more information?

Fisher House Foundation, Inc. is the program administrator. This webpage includes a summary of Previous Years’ Winners, including the winners' program descriptions and email addresses.

Further questions should be directed to Shannon "Shay" Spencer-Watson:

1-888-294-8560 or